Smithfield Polska among the finalists of ROI

Smithfield Polska project became a finalist in the annual, prestigious ROI Awards competition organized by Smithfield Foods, Inc. Our company was awarded for performance of the aid relief project addressed to the citizens of Ukraine affected by the war.

Smithfield Foods, Inc. is a renowned company with almost 60 thousand of people in 11 countries around the world. The company is a pioneer in providing safe food, among others thanks to the comprehensive control at every stage of production. The company’s strategy is based on the assumptions of sustainable development, and the most effective and distinguishing projects within this area performed by the employees are awarded under the annual competition.


In this year’s edition of ROI took part 856 initiatives in three traditional categories, i.e., Responsibility, Operational Excellence, and Innovation. From among the submitted applications from different countries, only 21 joined the circle of distinguished ones. Then, 9 projects, 3 from each category, were selected to the final of the competition achieving the Winner title.


One of the initiatives which made it to the final of this year’s ROI was the project focused on the aid relief for Ukraine performed jointly by Smithfield Polska, Animex and Agri Plus. This large-scale charitable action involved many people and teams; however, the coordination of the entire project was conducted by the PR and Sustainable Development teams, with the support of the Customer Service Office. It should be emphasized that one of the assumptions of the ROI competition is the possibility of submitting a given project or initiative by each employee of the organization, who feels that a given initiative deserves distinction.


We are extremely happy that our help for the people in need was appreciated. We performed this project with our hearts and hope that we were able to help those that needed it the most. This is a huge distinction not only for our team, but primarily for the entire Smithfield Polska, Animex and Agri Plus team. This is also personal satisfaction from a well-done work for the needy ones. – said the Public & Government Relations Director, Łukasz Dominiak, coordinator of the aid relief project.


Under the competition, a team of 5 representatives of Smithfield Polska involved in the awarded project, was invited to the United States to the headquarter of the company, where during the festive gala, Shane Smith, CEO Smithfield Foods Inc., awarded them with the Leader of Responsibility statuette.


Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
