Our voice at the Open Eyes Economy Summit

From November 21 to 22, 2023, we took an active part in the Open Eyes Economy Summit – a unique event traditionally bringing science, economics, culture, and politics together, aimed at popularizing economic and social solutions based on corporate social responsibility values.

The main concept of the Open Eyes Economy Summit i.e., the International Congress on Economic Values, is to emphasize the role of economic and environmental responsibility – the elements crucial
in creating positive changes in the modern world. We, as Animex Foods, part of Smithfield Polska, had been invited to take part in this event for the first time. It is an honor, since as a leading producer of meat and meat products in Poland, we also lead and promote changes for sustainable development in the agri-food sector.

Our representative participated in “Social responsibility in agriculture: uncovering facts, debunking myths” special panel. It was a perfect opportunity to present our group’s achievements in CSR policy and discuss the directions of sustainable development of the agri-food sector.

“The invitation to participate in this year’s OEES in Cracow, Poland, to us is an honor and a recognition of our sustainability efforts. We are proud of the fact that our approach to responsibility in business and the group’s sensitivity to the surrounding world have been acknowledged at such a prestigious forum,” – said Łukasz Dominiak, director of public and government relations, a panel participant.

The operations of Smithfield Polska, Animex Foods and Agri Plus cover the entire supply chain “from farm to fork.” As part of our strategic planning, we meticulously analyze and revise the long-term impact of the challenges our business and the modern world face. The Group consciously manages its footprint on the environment through a series of activities that revolve around three key areas, i.e., Business – ensuring the highest standards of animal welfare and food quality and safety, Environment – minimizing environmental impact and supporting local communities, and People – nurturing employee development while ensuring the highest safety standards for all employees.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
