Zestawienie znaków: Fundusze Europejskie, Barwy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Unia Europejska

When planning the development of our company, we distinguished 3 areas of our responsibility, within which:

• we thoroughly analyze the implemented activities,
• we measure the effects and impact,
• we define measurable goals for the future.


We produce and deliver food in a sustainable and safe manner

Animal welfare

  • Good living conditions for animals
  • Health and good nutrition of animals
  • Safe transport of animals
  • Humane slaughter

Food safety

  • Safe food
  • Nutritious food


We make informed decisions in respect of our impact on the environment

Enviromental protection

  • Efficient resource management
  • Renewable energy
  • Environmental-friendly packaging
  • Carbon footprint


Supporting local communities

  • Food for those in need
  • A good neighbour policy


Safety and development of our employees are our priority

Employee safety

  • Management of employee safety
  • Elimination of accidents at work

Employee development

  • Education and development
  • Organisational culture
Responsible organisation management based on the best market standards and practices

The above diagram is our compass, setting the direction of our activities in the long term. Thanks to it, we know what to focus on when sharing the added value with our environment.

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