Animex Foods – the best employer during COVID-19 pandemic

Animex Foods, being the national leader in the food sector, is recognised as the best employer in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ranking was prepared by Wprost” weekly.

The survey inquired the employee safety key aspects e.g. job and wages stability, protection against infection, and measures taken to fight the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Animex Foods was recognised for measures safeguarding personnel against contracting coronavirus, for managing without any layoffs and even providing additional work places, increasing salaries, as well as introducing a special reward system for attendance at work during the pandemic.

– The title in such an important and prestigious ranking is a real honour to us. With the very first symptoms of coronavirus in Poland, we started a large-scale project of preparing the entire organisation for any scenario. We defined potential threats and implemented special preventive procedures at high infection risk zones. Our overarching goal was to protect employees, their health and work places. We are glad that in these difficult times we were able, through the special reward system, to appreciate the responsible attitude and commitment of our employees. Being the national leader in the food sector, we feel especially  responsible for the quality of manufactured products, and safety of our employees – emphasises Łukasz Dominiak, Director of Public and Government Relations of Animex Foods.

“Wprost” weekly survey assessed 400 largest companies in Poland and only 50 were selected for the “Best Employer in the COVID-19 Era” title. Animex Foods demonstrated standards higher than others leaders in the trade, pharmaceutical and insurance businesses. The full list is published in the printed edition of “Wprost” weekly.

The top 10 employers, a description of the survey, and terms of awarding recognitions is available  at: -10-first-places.html

And the interview with Animex Foods HR Managing Director, Rafał Wilk, is at


Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
