Animex Foods for children

On June 8, 2024, an extraordinary concert organized by Foundation INTEGRACJA JP II took place at the Atlas Arena in Łódź. The event was participated by 5000 children in a difficult life situation, including mainly ones with disabilities. Young participants had the opportunity to admire music, dance and vocal performances of bands from łódzkie voivodeship, and the main star of the event was Michał Szczygieł, finalist of the TV show “The Voice of Poland”.

The concert could not be complete without Animex Foods, which under the sponsorship, provided catering for the youngest, offering hot-dogs served with the legendary Berlinki sausages. Thanks to this the participants could enjoy not only great performances, but also tasty snacks. Additionally, the company also donated thin kabanos sausages Berlinki Kids for kids parcels.

“We are convinced that the event in Łódź brought a lot of joy and smiles to the children, which is the best reward for us. We would like to thank Foundation INTEGRACJA JP II for the opportunity to support such a wonderful event and we are already looking forward to the next joint initiatives” – says Łukasz Dominiak, PR & Government Relations Director at Animex Foods.

Animex Foods, as one of the food production leaders for years has been involved in charity activities aimed at improving the quality of life of local communities, and of children and seniors. The company has supported the foundation INTEGRACJA JP II many times. Last year Animex Foods participated among others in the organization of Children’s Day and St. Nicholas’ Day.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
