Animex Foods and Agri Plus join forces at SGGW Job Fair

Animex Foods and Agri Plus encourage Warsaw University of Life Sciences students to start their professional careers. We were an active participant of the 12th Job Fair organized by the University.


The 12th edition of SGGW’s Job Fair took off on March 8. It was a great chance for every student to come to know hundreds of employment, internship and apprenticeship offers prepared by companies representing different businesses. This was, undoubtedly, a unique opportunity to get a front-seat view on recruitment requirements, answers to the most burning questions and face-to-face meetings with potential employers.


Animex Foods and Agri Plus, as companies that are part of the Smithfield Poland Group, offer limitless opportunities for growth both domestically and internationally. We have been operating in the Polish agri-food sector for many years, and our sustainable development policies focus on several key areas of operation: the environment, the quality and safety of produced food, animal welfare, employee safety, assistance to local communities, and the creation of added value for the company and its environment.


The joint presence of companies from the Smithfield Poland group at the Job Fair was no coincidence, as both companies work primarily for the benefit of consumers, to whom they want to provide the highest quality products. Animex Foods is engaged in the production of meat and meat products, while Agri Plus focuses its activities on sourcing the raw materials from which food is made, i.e. it is engaged in crop cultivation and feed production, integrated with pig and poultry farming. The companies, operating in synergy, based on the idea of “from farm to fork,” are able to control the quality and safety of their products at every stage of their production.


We are looking for highly specialized personnel operating throughout the food supply chain, while SGGW University is one of the leaders in education in this particular area. So actively recruiting and talking to young people during the Fair was a great solution. We hope that many participants of the event will soon join our ranks.


Check out the photo gallery from the 12th SGGW Job Fair:

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
