Today we sent the first transports of food for people affected by flooding in the south of Poland. In total, we have already donated 20 tons of Krakus, Morliny and Berlinki products for this purpose, which will be provided to those most in need. In this regard, we cooperate with proven partners, including among others the Polish Red Cross, Caritas Polska and Food Banks.
Our support will reach among others Wrocław, Opole and Głuchołazy. Situation in this last location is extremely difficult, that is why we sent there additional, direct support. We operate simultaneously in different points, responding to the most urgent needs of local communities.
In addition to food, bedding products are necessary for the people affected by the flood. Therefore, our plant Animex in Cracow switched part of its production to the production of duvets and pillows especially for flood victims. The first sets of bedding will be sent to those in need this Friday!
Aware of the scale of the needs, we are ready to organize further transports with help.