Animex supports the World Cleanup Day

As the leader of meat sector in Poland, once again, Animex co-organized the picnic related to the World Cleanup Day and addressed to the children and teenagers from Kutno area.

The annual, educational event, combined with a number of attractions and contests for the young residents of Kutno and neighboring areas, whose leading theme was focused on the natural environment and its protection, took place on September 18th, 2022 in Suchodoły village. Representatives of Animex, apart from joint cleaning of the forests, also engaged children and teenagers in the water monitoring activities. During the event the company also provided the hot-dog truck “Berlinkowóz” which offered nutritious snacks for the young ecologists.

As a tradition, the educational campaigns related to the World Cleanup Day are joined by employees responsible for the environmental protection in our organization. Under voluntary work, they e.g. hold lectures and support the youth in performance of the assigned tasks – said Łukasz Dominiak, PR & GA Director at Animex.

The main organizer of the event was the Starost Office in Kutno which cooperates with Animex. During the Sunday’s activities, the action was also joined by the representatives of local authorities: Daniel Kowalik – Starost of Kutno, Tomasz Walczewski – member of Kutno Poviat’s Management, Elżbieta Milczarska and Tomasz Marciniak – Councilmen of Kutno Poviat, Dorota Dąbrowska – Administrator of Dąbrowice Commune and Katarzyna Erdman – Mayor of Krośniewice.

The event started with joint cleaning of the forest. At the same time fishing contest took place. We gathered a dozen or so bags of garbage! – stressed Daniel Kowalik, Starost of Kutno.

All activities undertaken by Animex during Sunday’s event fit into the company’s sustainable development policy. For many years now, Animex has been known in Kutno as the producer of high quality food, cooperating on a permanent basis with representatives of local authorities and communities. One of Animex’ priorities as the good neighbor is its approach to the matter of environmental protection, reflected among others by performance of the UN sustainable development goals.

The Animex group has introduced many changes in the care for natural environment. Between 2014-2020 the group has reduced water usage by 13%, lowered the CO2 emissions by 49% and reduced the use of energy by 16%, as a result of which it was granted a total of 850 TOE “White Certificates” from the Energy Regulatory Office.


Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
