4th International Food Safety Day

“Safer food, better health” – with this passphrase Animex Foods joins the celebrations of the 4th International Food Safety Day. The event created thanks to the resolution of UN General Assembly, on the initiative of the Codex Alimentarius Commission of FAO/WHO, aims at promoting the quality culture within food production area, which constitutes one of the pillars of Animex Foods activities.

On the occasion of the Food Safety Day, President of Animex Foods, Rafał Korus, issued a letter in which he expressed his belief that “in the atmosphere of the jointly created Quality Culture our activities contribute to production of safer food and by this, to having better impact on the consumer’s health”.

“Today we are celebrating one of the most important events of the food sector. Our position on the market allows us to know that the consumers and clients are very interested in the aspect of safety and quality of production. We are aware of the expectations, that is why we have been marking out new development paths in this direction. In the times of development of production technology we have to prioritize our development within the food safety. We feel responsible for the health of our consumers, and the fact that our products are so willingly chosen is the best review of the activities performed by us.” – stresses the spokesman of Animex Foods, Łukasz Dominiak.

Concurrently with the International Food Safety Day, Animex Foods actively participated in the annual congress MEATing organized by the editorial office of monthly magazine “Rzeźnik”. During the two day meeting of the food technologists and producers, the representatives of Animex Foods presented the audience with the lecture entitled: “Let’s defeat the bacteria – predictive microbiology not only in practice”.

“We would like to express our thanks for the invitation for this year’s MEATing and we are happy that the producers and technologists were provided with the stage where we could exchange knowledge, experience and development ideas. Safety and quality of production, particularly in the meat industry, is a broad issue affecting not only businesses, industry organizations, but also veterinary inspections, local governments and central authorities. We all work for the wellbeing of consumers who must have certainty and confidence for the offered products. The said confidence cannot be built with one innovation, for this continuous development and Quality Culture are necessary. In our organization those values are the basis of everyday production.” – adds the Quality Managing Director of Animex Foods, Szymon Ośko.

Out of the concern for the internal development of awareness and knowledge about production quality and safety, the Quality Department of Animex Foods prepared a day-long webinar, during which the employees of Smithfield Polska group could better get to know the realities of work on the Quality Culture and technical processes behind high quality and safety of the offered products.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
